Listen to audiobooks for free during self-quarantine

Let’s start with a good part: Free audiobooks As we say in Ukraine, “З паршивого кабана хоч вишкварки,” which roughly translates as Half a loaf is better than no bread. So, while Amazon is an evil corporation that treats its workers horribly, sometimes we can get something useful from it. …

Something Yummy This Way Comes… from Japan

I confess I’m a picky eater when it comes to sweets. Unlike my husband, I don’t think that if something contains enough sugar or HFCS, it’s automatically tasty. That’s why I could never imagine myself signing up for any subscription that would not let me chose the products I want. …


During my morning walk I met a woman with an empty egg carton in her hands. Just this box and nothing else, and she was swinging it while walking. No bag, no keys, no anything. Also, no stores nearby, the meeting happening in a small park in the middle of …