Planning to Write instead of Writing

Nothing much to report, at least about writing. I’m plodding slowly, doing a bit here and a bit there. To be fair, my back problems and jet-lag conspired against me and made some of the days miserable. With both of them waning, I hope to have more to report the next week. I’m planning to go back to the more or less usual schedule at last.

Planning to Write instead of Writing - Contra Spem Scribo

Which brings me to another project I’m thinking about: a planner for multitaskers, in which I could write all small projects for a day. The way I work, I have a good dozen of them: all kinds of writing (WIP, short stories,  blogging); editing; translating; publishing; taking photos; tweaking the blog settings; marketing; learning. Yet planning all of this was a real trouble. To be honest, it was always a mess.

Since I’ve almost given up to become an organized and productive person, which goes against my nature, I might as well cater to the habit of making a lot of small steps on many paths simultaneously rather then trying to focus and failing. But designing journals is new for me, so it takes time to learn basics (for the start, I’m going to stick to a simple ruled paper with a couple of lines of text). I already uploaded a test journal to CreateSpace, and if it turns out fine, I’ll be adding this to my list of tasks too.

Anyway, as for writing WIP, I don’t really want to write until I arrange the chapters and scenes, because now that I look through the old drafts, I see that too much has to be rewritten or edited. Then, it struck me that after I put the plot in order, writing shouldn’t be so hard. Such a hopeful idea. What a pity I can’t outline from the start—I need to write to make things up.

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